Christ the King School adds principal and middle school

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  • | 4:00 a.m. July 24, 2012
New principal of Christ the King Lutheran School Jeff Loberger and CTK pastor, the Rev. Phil Huebner
New principal of Christ the King Lutheran School Jeff Loberger and CTK pastor, the Rev. Phil Huebner
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Christ the King Lutheran Church and School will add grades 6 through 8 for the 2012-2013 school year. The school also hired its first principal, Jeff Loberger.

Loberger has been in education for 10 years, serving as an administrator for the past nine. He has a master’s degree in educational leadership and administration. Loberger will also teach the middle school classes in the new portable classroom, which is the only building addition this year.

The expansion to include middle school is one that the Rev. Phil Huebner said came out of demand from parents.

“The demand for private education was just so extreme,” Huebner said. “Parents were asking for it, so the natural thing to do was to keep going with it. There are few public education alternatives for elementary and middle school-aged students and zero for high school in Flagler County. We are trying to meet all those needs.”

This leads into the school’s long-term plan of expanding to a full school offering pre-school through high school, with a larger building.

“People know our preschool,” Huebner said referring to how the CTK preschool received a 100% kindergarten readiness score in the spring. “But now, people are realizing that we have other grades, too.”

With the addition of older grades, the school is also launching an athletics program and a school mascot, The Storm.

Curriculum changes are also in store for the upcoming school year. In addition to changing the math program to Saxon Math, the school will also implement foreign language classes in Latin and Spanish along with a new computer applications class. Third- through eighth-grade students will also experience a longer school day with class going from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., with an optional one-hour free study hall with teachers 4-5 p.m.

“All teachers are certified with at least a bachelor’s degree in education,” Loberger said of the staff. “Classroom ratios average 14 to 1 for all grade levels.”

Christ the King welcomes students of any faith and accepts the Florida School Choice Scholarship. In fact, Huebner said, 75% of students who currently attend the school qualify for the scholarship. Those who don’t qualify usually get a scholarship from the church to defray the expenses, he said.

“We don’t want finances to be the reason they don’t come here,” Huebner said. “It’s about giving their children an excellent education.”

Palm Coast Bible announces VBS
Palm Coast Bible Church will host a vacation Bible school for ages 3 to 5, 6-8:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 3 and Saturday, Aug. 4 at the church, 94 Whiteview Parkway. The theme will be Rocky Point Lighthouse. Visit to register.
Church bazaar seeks vendors
The St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 5400 Belle Terre Parkway, is looking for vendors to participate in its outdoor Fall Bazaar scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 3, with a rain date of Nov. 17.

Donations are $20 for the first 10-foot space and $15 for each additional 10-foot space. Vendors need to provide their own tables and set-ups.

Interested vendors should email [email protected] or call 401-714-3190 for more information and an application.

The application deadline is Oct. 6.



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