5 letters: Airport debate continues, and on COVID and Veterans Day

What are your neighbors talking about this week?

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  • | 3:00 p.m. November 8, 2021
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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Focus on the facts

Dear Editor:

After 15 long years of waiting by the businesses and employees of the Airport Business Park and surrounding businesses, I hope that residents will be able to focus on facts regarding a runway extension at the Ormond Airport. From all of the discussions I have heard, it seems as though the main complaint expressed is from the flight school activities. Those planes will continue no matter what. The corporate jets are quieter, will take off further away from any residential area, and they don’t take off and land all throughout the day! In my opinion, this runway extension will not change anything except perhaps keep us moving forward in our economic progress. It will however, help us to keep up with the times, and allow our local economy to prosper, and that is good for everyone. 

Peggy Farmer

Ormond Beach

This isn't 'progress'

Dear Editor:

I agree with Norman Lane (letter to the editor published Nov. 2). I live just outside of the area which would be impacted (allegedly); however, the only exercise I can get for my old, decrepit joints these days is in my pool, and I tend to spend a lot of time in there. Every time I am in my pool, I see (and hear!) small aircraft flying above and wonder if they see me doing my exercise. I’m just thankful my husband and I are far enough away we wouldn’t be severely impacted the way some 30+ neighborhoods would be if this extension craziness is allowed to go forth. The annihilation of the forest on State Road 40 was bad enough for me to deal with, along with properties all along Granada and Nova — I can hear cars, trucks and motorcycles now that I couldn’t when we moved in due to all the clear-cutting.

Haven’t we had enough “progress”? As Mr. Lane stated, it’s just a hop, skip and a jump to Flagler — the “powers that be” are just trying to make the deep pockets happy in my personal opinion (and there are many others who agree)! Did Jeff Bezos move into Ormond or something and nobody told me? Maybe I’m missing something.

Lori Bennett

Ormond Beach

Advancement requires infrastructure

Editor's note: The following letter was addressed and sent to the Ormond Beach City Commissioners. It is republished here with permission.

Dear Commissioners:

This is written in support of the 600-foot westward extension of the runway at Ormond Beach Municipal Airport, and in particular to approve the necessary environmental study to advance the project. Our firm has chartered regularly out of the airport for many years; more importantly, we have observed firsthand through our visits to many general aviation facilities throughout the state how far behind we are here at home in comparison to the improvements and advancements taking place in other comparable Florida communities. Economic progress and advancement requires appropriate infrastructure, and an adequate runway is an essential element undergirding development and introduction of an adequate general aviation facility to serve the community.

I’ve lived in and been in business in Ormond Beach and Volusia County for 50 years. A characteristic of our area is the constant presence of a vocal reactionary element that loudly objects to any positive steps toward general improvements that develop and upgrade the community. These individuals characteristically reject any effort to engage in a reasonable process to address goals, objectives and alternatives to serve those interests. Civic unrest, protests and rhetorical excess always seem to replace rational discourse.

I urge our City Commission to recognize the loud voices of a few loudly objecting to airport improvements as simply background noise that will fade once the issue is resolved. By far, the greater interest will be served by making a rational decision on the merits and resolutely discharging the duties of your office. Please support the environmental study and continue to move toward completion of the extension.

John Upchurch

Ormond Beach

Vaccines play a role

Dear Editor,

Regarding the letter “Daily COVID cases have dropped” the letter writer fails to recognize that back in July and August, during the peak of the Delta variant (with Florida being the epicenter), the vaccination rate rose. And although there were not many mask mandates, people began wearing masks again.  

It’s true that COVID cases have dropped, but at 70,000-plus cases a day, they are still very high. 

Vaccinations and masks have helped, and the science backs it up. 

Judy Ronci

Ormond Beach

Let's do better for our veterans

Dear Editor;

As a city we can do far better than celebrating Veterans Day with a drive-thru featuring a boxed lunch. 

I have lived in Ormond Beach for nearly 10 years and have come to appreciate the deep sense of patriotism in our community. I recall well-attended pre-COVID Memorial Day ceremonies at the Rockefeller Gardens that were both stirring and tear-jerking. This got me to thinking.

Why don’t we have our own Veterans Day Parade next year? Let’s go big. Let’s get high school and other bands there, the old cars with tops down and veterans waving from the backseats. Banners, color guards, local veterans chapters and active National Guard, too, just for starters.

Let’s choose a parade route where thousands of us can wave, cheer and show genuine appreciation for our treasured veterans. 

They don’t seek this recognition. They often take what they can get in appreciation of their service, from a simple thanks to someone in a line maybe buying their coffee for them if they are wearing a service cap.

Let’s do better next year. Let’s name a Grand Marshal to get things started. Let’s get the necessary permits. About that parade route — maybe it’s one that starts on beachside, crosses the Granada Bridge and marches right through downtown so people can line both sides of the street and give our veterans the recognition they truly deserve.

Bob Baumer

Ormond Beach


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